Cancer Survivor Scholarships for College

Cancer Survivor Scholarships
Battling cancer and surviving is a feat that should be celebrated and is by a number of college cancer survivor scholarships. Inheritance of Hope is a faith-based organization which seeks to improve the lives of those families affected by a life-threatening disease, like cancer. One of the ways they do this is to offer a $1000 scholarship to a student living with a person diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, but they also provide links and information about a number of scholarships for cancer survivors and their families on their website. The Inheritance of Hope scholarship deadline is May 31, 2011 and applications may be submitted online now.
The Jackie Spellman Scholarship Foundation awards ten scholarships to students who have suffered from lymphoma or leukemia or whose sibling or parent has had the disease. These cancer scholarships are renewable for four years and range from $1,000-$3,000 dollars. The deadline for applying is April 15, 2011. Students must provide a doctor’s verification of the cancer, as well as demonstrate need for the scholarship in cancer. Eligibility also includes enrollment in a four-year college or university and a 3.0 minimum high school GPA.
The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults offers a $2,500 scholarship for cancer survivors or the children of someone diagnosed or suffering from cancer. There are also several other links to related cancer scholarships on their website. The individual having suffered from cancer must have been at least 15 years old when diagnosed with the disease and recipients of the scholarship which is given out in parcels over two consecutive semesters, must agree to perform 80 hours of community service. On this website there are also links to scholarships available only to Maryland, DC and Virginia residents.
The Sean Silver Scholarship Fund is a national cancer survivor scholarship to a college student who is currently in treatment for their cancer. This cancer scholarship honors the memory of Sean Silver who sought to obtain his college degree while he was battling cancer. He did graduate but succumbed to the disease a year later, thrilled to know part of his legacy would be a scholarship to reward another student in his situation who was determined to pursue their dreams, even while fighting through treatments and side-effects of treatments in order to live. The deadline to apply to the scholarship for cancer survivors is April 1, 2011.
The National Collegiate Cancer Foundation offers a similar scholarship for students seeking to finish their education while in treatment for cancer and offers a $1,000 nonrenewable scholarship. The deadline for application is Oct. 1, 2011.
The American Cancer Society’s R.O.C.K. (Reaching Out to Cancer Kids) Cancer College Survivor Scholarship Program offers resident students of Florida scholarship money to pursue their education at a Florida higher education facility. This scholarship is up to $3,000 for tuition each year, dependent on credit hours taken and $300 yearly for textbooks. This is only one example of an American Cancer Society Scholarship. They fund numerous scholarships for different areas of the country and available for specific universities. To search for one applicable to you or your location, search American Cancer Society Scholarships on the internet or go to their webpage.
Another non-profit source for cancer-related scholarships is No Wooden Nickels through the Felton A. Childress, Sr. and Rhoda A. Wilson Scholarship funds. This group is made up of 100% volunteers and is dependent on donations, so the amount of money available for scholarships may vary from year to year. The Cancer Survivor’s Fund also offers a scholarship for cancer survivors that do not have to be currently undergoing treatment to be eligible. The deadline for 2011-2012 school year is February, but applications will be accepted beginning in February of 2012 for the upcoming year.
There are possibly hundreds of scholarships available to students battling with cancer treatments, children of cancer survivors, siblings of children diagnosed with cancer, etc. Many cancer scholarships are renewable for the duration of four years as long as requirements continue to be met, but there are even more non-renewable, one-time scholarships available that can eliminate thousands of dollars in educational tuition for college students. This list will get you started.
I was diagnosed with a brain stem glioma in January of 2009. I have been through tomotherapy and temodar therapy. The tumor has shrunk about 70%. I am currently collecting ssdi and am looking for any type of grants available to me to be able to finish college. I am unable to work at this time, therefore any monetary aide with schooling would be benificial
diagnosed and received treatment for advanced stage four throat cancer,now condemned to permanent hearing loss and other associated problems with the treatment process . looking to redirect my career to an office environment as opposed to giving up with a disability insurance check.
start applying to as many scholarships as you can. Look for cancer support organizations which may have a scholarship you can apply to. Also go to – Education for more info which may help.