Unknown Disability Scholarships for Cancer

Cancer Scholarships
The Orange County Community Foundation in California sponsors the Michael A. Hunter Scholarships for Cancer Fund. These unknown disability scholarships for cancer are awarded to benefit individuals who are stricken with leukemia or lymphoma. These cancer scholarship awards can also be presented to children of those who suffer from this dreaded disease. The mission is to assist in improving life and opportunities for secondary education for those who have the disease, are children of those suffering from the disease or those who have lost parents to the disease.
These disability scholarships for cancer are offered each year nation wide to the individuals who fall under these circumstances. As with any scholarship program there are eligibility rules and criteria that have to be meant by interested applicants. Let’s explore some of them.
The Michael A. Hunter scholarship for cancer is available to high school seniors set to graduate, or college or university students that are attending accredited educational facilities. The applicants must be diagnosed with leukemia or lymphoma, the children of a parent diagnosed with these diseases or the children of a non -surviving parent of these diseases. All students that are applying for the Michael A. Hunter Memorial Scholarship must be carrying a 3.0 grade point average or better. These applicants must also establish the fact that they are in financial need. All applicants will have to provide a 600- word essay explaining how leukemia or lymphoma has had an affect on their lives. All applicants must have a note from a Doctor to confirm the disease diagnosis for them or their parents.
Typically the amount of a Michael A. Hunter Memorial Scholarships for cancer survivors award will be around $1,000 to $2,500 dollars. Normally up to seven awards are issued per year. Applications were taken up until February 6th, 2009 for the upcoming years awards. The deadline has already passed for this year. However, you still have the opportunity to fill out an application for the year 2010.
The Orange County Community Foundation not only sponsors the Michael A. Hunter Memorial cancer scholarships, but assists many others in need as well. Their ‘See the Need, Seed the Change’ fund raising drive raised over $800,000 in March 2009 to assist more than 32 agencies in need of help. The foundation is a non-profit venue devoted to connecting those who donate and non-profit agencies so that life can be improved for those in the community. Through the help of many donations and endowments the foundation continues to sponsor and offer support for those who suffer all over the United States. Millions of dollars are raised annually.
The Michael A. Hunter Memorial Scholarships for cancer patients is a testimonial to those who have lost the battle with leukemia and lymphoma or continue to strive for success while undergoing treatment for it or have lost a parent to this terrible disease. Awards of $5,000 have been issued in the past. If you are interested in applying, go to unknown disability scholarships for cancer.
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4 Responses
[…] are disability scholarships for cancer that can be accessed through the Hunter scholarship fund. The Michael A. Hunter Memorial […]
[…] County Community Foundation in California. They have many scholarships which they manage. This cancer scholarship for disabilities is offered nationwide to graduating high school seniors, community college and four-year university […]
[…] with cancer, specifically stricken with leukemia or lymphoma, you may be eligible for a disabled scholarship for cancer by the Michael A. Hunter Scholarships for Cancer Fund. You must show financial need and have a 3.00GPA., other then that, the rest of the scholarship […]
[…] who have been impacted by breast cancer should also obviously apply for general cancer scholarships. Many of these are awarded and broken down by geographical location and some colleges are given […]