Unusual Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships for Deaf

Scholarships for Deaf
If you lost your hearing at an early age, don’t imagine for a second that your chances of going to college are lost. Have you read about the unique scholarships for deaf people that you can use to complete your college education?
Are you a deaf person working on a doctoral degree? This hearing scholarship may be exactly what you need to help you finance your education. The Graduate Fellowship Fund, or GFF, was founded to offer tuition deaf scholarships to people who are working on their doctoral degrees and are deaf or hard of hearing. You must have already been accepted into a PhD program to qualify for this unusual scholarship, though.
If you are an undergraduate student who is deaf or hard of hearing, apply for the Minnie Pearl Scholarship, a disability scholarship administered by the EAR Foundation. If you would like to apply for this undergraduate scholarship award of $2,000, you need to be a high school senior with a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA). You’ll also have to be accepted at, but not yet attending, an accredited college or university on a full-time basis. Be aware, however, that only students who are U.S. citizens may apply for one of these 14 disability scholarships. Hurry, though, the deadline is February 15th. Applications submitted after that date will not be eligible for consideration.
Another unusual type of financial aid scholarship is the National Fraternity Society of the Deaf Scholarships. This tuition assistance is offered to persons who have been members of the society for at least one year prior to applying for these scholarships funds, and are enrolled in or accepted at an accredited college or university. Ten scholarships of $1,000 each are awarded to successful applicants who are society members each year. Members of the society who do not have hearing impairments are also eligible to apply for these unique scholarships. Apply before July 1st in order to have your scholarship application considered.
If you’re interested in pursuing a degree in tourism or hotel/restaurant management, you may be eligible for assistance from the Tourism Foundation Yellow Ribbon Scholarship. Likewise, if you are a resident of the state of Wisconsin, take advantage of the state grants that are available to physically challenged students.
The United States isn’t the only country in which deaf scholarships are offered to students facing this physical challenge. Students in Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom can take advantage of a number of scholarship for deaf opportunities, and the International Deaf Education and Advancement Fund offers a number of disability scholarships to students living in developing countries who are facing the challenges of being deaf and seeking an education.
These and other scholarships for deaf persons were developed by individuals and groups who realized that deaf persons have just as much to contribute as hearing persons, but may require financial assistance in overcoming their physical challenges. Don’t let these deaf scholarships go unclaimed – find out more about these and other truely unique graduate and undergraduate hearing scholarships today!
look for scholarship and spnorship also want to study in the canada
Try the below to see if this helps and let me know how it turns out, or if you found something else.
Sertoma International Scholarships (Oticon Inc. – Phonic Ear Inc.)
Sertoma International is now accepting applications for scholarships for all deaf and hard of hearing college students pursuing four-year degrees. This organization will provide 13 awards of $1,000 each to students attending universities in the US or Canada. This scholarship program has been made possible through a donation by Oticon, Inc. and Phonic Ear Inc. Both companies are well known for the hearing instruments they create and produce. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with request. Must have 3.2 cumulative grade point average, have a documented hearing loss, be a full-time entering or continuing student in a four-year degree program at a college or university in US or Canada.
Deadline: May 2
Sertoma International
1912 East Meyer Boulevard
Kansas City, MO 64132
(816) 333-8300 (Voice/TTY)
(816) 333-4320 (Fax)
Good Luck!
am a hearin loss i am look for scholarship to study united states at galaudet university pls sir madam asit me for sponsor
you must contact Galaudet university (finacial aids office) directly and ask them what kind of programs such as disability scholarships and need based grants which you should be able to utilize for some type of financial aid because of your hearing disability. Also, contact all the deaf organizations which may be able to assist you too, both on the local level and national.
Having been here before and lost, to be here and win, I’ve got to tell you, winning is really a lot better than losing. Really a lot better.
you really do learn more when you lose then winning in the beginning, unless you really know how to win with dignity.
I am a deaf man from nigeria. l need scholarship and deaf college to read sign language IN USA.
You must contact your state/province/government department of education to see what they have available since you reside in nigeria to see what programs they have to study abroad. Read NFB scholarship. Contact the NFB to see how they may help you or recommend your next plan of action.
I am a very intelligent girl n i always beat my friend in the Exams n came with the best results but i am a heard of hearing n there is no colleges for hearing impaired people in my country The Gambia. I need to attend a deaf college for a better understanding. I seek for scholarship n sponsors from any.
looking for deaf a scholarship to attend doncaster college for the deaf.
Tel: 01302 386721 or
Email: admissions@ddt-deaf.org.uk
email them to see what the latest deaf scholarships they have.
go to deaf scholarships to apply or contact them on the phone to discuss their deaf scholarships program.
Trying to find scholarships for my son who is hearing impaired from birth, is attending a Christian college as a student athlete, 3.0+GPA and already a Junior. We don’t have the income to continue helping him.
you first want to contact the financial aids office of the school your son is attending and inquire into hearing loss scholarships and disability scholarships. You may just find what your looking for right there. They are up on the latest disability scholarships being offered today with new funding coming out monthly. This is your best option.
Just about any company who makes hearing devices can be contacted directly to inquire into their hearing scholarship programs which are usually directed at students with a hearing disability so you may want to contact them directly to see if they have a scholarship program.
You can always do a quick student loan scholarship search which is free to do on this large scholarship search service to see if they can be of assistance.
Searching for disability scholarships instead of just hearing scholarships will give you a much larger opportunity for financial aid of some type.
i am a deaf man from the Ethiopia.i am going to graduate after a months. i
sure must to USA for looking scholarships.answer me USA who free scholarship
and job ship from a whole country of the world.
you should first make an appointment with the financial aids office at the college you will be graduating from to discuss post graduate financial aid. Since you have a disability there should be some options for you. The financial aids manager will know what those are and will give you the proper paperwork to fill out. Also go to GSLC – Global Student Loan Corporation and Study Abroad Scholarships Grants to read more.
Elonge Conrad
Dear Sir / Madam
I have the honor most respectfully to inform you so that I would like to apply for admission into your college for the deaf. I hope to receive information about your deaf college prospectus.
I am a Cameroonian. I am a deaf boy from Limbe, Cameroon. I am a student at Buea School for the Deaf (www.bueaschdeaf.org/). I have finished my primary school for the deaf and passed the First School Certificate Leaving (primary school examination) from the Ephphatha Institute for the Deaf (http://www.cdeoocrs.org/EID.html). I am interested in your deaf college and want to study and improve my English. If there is any way you can help me, either by sending my application forms or directing me to the right place that would be greatly appreciated.
Elonge Conrad
you must go directly to the websites of the sponsors of the scholaerships to apply to any scholarship written about on our website. Links are usually at the bottom of the articles.
Dear sir. I want to information you that I am liking to Attend this school. Please you can send the document of the form for admit school it to me, I will do right plan in my purpose for this school’s need your support me to the faience. Because in our Nigeria was not giving for me got everything, even my parent couldn’t afford all the fees. please would you consider for me. we also pray the lord will give you everything there. thanks. please this contact my adreess 5 kadiri street alausa ikeja Lagos in the Nigerian ..my name is taye shokunbi
shokunbi taye,
you must apply directly to the sponsor of the scholarship listed in our site. There is usually a link in the bottom of the article. I would also recommend that you contact your state department of education to inquire into financial aid or a college near you to speak to the financial aids manager too.
Dear sir
My son Mohsin Ali has passed matriculation in deaf education and now
he want to study abroad. I want to request you to inform me about students
scholarship programs in devolping countries. thanks
go to Fullbright scholarships for disabled to read more which may be able to help you.
l am a deaf man wishing to study in doncaster college for the deaf in UK, l need your scholarship to meet all my academic costs
I am aryal from nepal. I have hearing impair problem.I have finished by secondary education but failed to get universtiy degree. I am unemployed and want to study in US. I am citizen of Nepal. I want to depart to US for futher studies. Can you help me . I am 33 years old.
go to Study Abroad Scholarships Grants are Unusual Scholarships and Get an Unusual Fulbright Scholarship and become a Fulbright Scholar. Also go to disability Fulbright scholarship program.
Then go to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) -they recently announced several grants that have deadlines in July and August 2010.
Are there any deaf organizations or such person or anything that offers *full-tuition* scholarship for disabled/deaf students, based on merit and going through the financial aid office at my university?
contact your university and ask them – I bet they will be able to tell you. Inquire into deaf as well as disability scholarships/grants/financial aid. Every university has there own money allocated for disability scholarships/student aid. If you are a strong candidate for a merit scholarship of some kind then you can apply for the scholarship regardless if it’s a disability scholarship or not. As far as one deaf scholarship organization offering full ride scholarships to one student – they usually try and spread their scholarship dollars around so many will benefit from it, which means the awards aren’t as large. The scholarship market changes yearly as programs are added and some deleted by the sponsoring organizations and this especially applies to disability scholarships. My best advice is to sit down with the financial aids manager of your desired college/ colleges and discuss your options face to face.
Read up on guaranteed scholarships which most colleges have which means that if you have high ACT or SAT score or some other past achievement you are guaranteed scholarship money. You must ask the college directly about these programs.
Also go to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) -they recently announced several grants.
Go to RSA Scholarship in Rehabilitation to see if this may be of help.
Go to Government Disability Scholarships for College to read more helpful information.
Also try a Fulbright Scholarship and more Fulbright Scholarship Program information. Also go to disability Fulbright scholarship program.
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Thank You!
i m waqas .i belong to pakistan .i have hearing disability.now im doing banking and fince four year and inshallah will completed in de 2011.i want a scholarship at us or cannada to continue my education….with profound regards
go to Canadian Scholarships to read more. Consider also the Canadian Government website for assistance on your interest.Go to Canada student loans as a last resort.
thank you…
My name is Jeff Kasisnger. I am deaf and my wife is also deaf. We have two kids. My 10 years son has ADD. We live a rural area with small farm in Bardstown Kentucky. Our family income is income, and we received disability check from Social Security Disability Office. I attended University of Phoenix Online course and I received 3.54 GPA. I have 69 credits left to complete my Public Admin/Business BSB/PA program. I applied Financial Aid this year and FAFSA will only pay up to $5,000 per year. I am seeking for free scholarship to support tuitions, books, and others fees for 3 years. I could not afford to pay the college tuition and fees this time since I am still on payment to college student loan of $15k. I am free scholarship program for tuition and fees.
go to government disability scholarships to read more. You may have to consider student loans with no cosigners as a last resort. They are government loans and terms are excellent. Have you looked into the Pell grant yet?
go to government disability scholarships to read more. You may have to consider student loans with no cosigners as a last resort. They are government loans and terms are excellent. Have you looked into the Pell grant yet? Have you tried looking into any poetry scholarships. They are easy to get sometimes. Also go to unknown college scholarships for some great scholarship ideas.
I am a deaf from Colombia. i am photographer. i wishing to study Creative Arts and Design. i looking for deaf a scholarship to attend in UK, college for the deaf. thanks!
Start with your state’s Vocational Rehabilitation agency in the UK. Vocational Rehabilitation many times will pay college tuition for deaf students. Check into social security benefits if you are of legal age to receive it in the UK. Have you contacted the financial aids office at Columbia and sat down with them to cover all your student aid options? If not, do this now. You may want to look into government student loans with no cosigner needed as a very good last option. Look also into Pell grants.
l need scholarship it free scholarship l will lucky kg technical language.
l wish more read and study l want to learn school.
apply to the scholarships which you seem to fit the criteria and especially disability specific. Then apply to all the general disability scholarships which aren’t specific. Then move to the other general random scholarships anyone can apply to. If you have a disability then grants are always a first look. Government disability scholarships should also be explored then as a last option government student loans with no cosigners.
My name is kwaku appenteng and l am hearing impaired from ghana. l am accepted to the college in the uk but unfortunately l have a financial problem. l need a disabilitiy scholarship to help me to obtain a degree.
l am looking forward to receiving information on disability scholarship. Thanks
you must talk to the financial aids office and see what your options are. They can guide you at this time. You can apply to any disability scholarship/grant which you feel you qualify for. A need based grant is what to look for.
I am a profoundly Deaf from Kenya pursuing a full time MSc. Information Technology or Systems in UK. How can I get a scholarship for the course? Hope you will assist me. Thanks.
go to the VLIR Scholarship and see if this helps. Go to Fulbright Scholarships and more Fulbright Scholarships for disabilities.
Other reading which may help you is:
Benjamin Gilman Scholarship Program an International study abroad scholarship
Study Abroad Scholarships Grants are Unusual Scholarships
Athens Greece ASCSA Study Abroad Scholarships
Also go to Kenya scholarships.
Hi, my name is Brittany, and I have had severe to profound hearing loss since I was born. I was wondering if there were any scholarships available now that I can get before the 2011-2012 school year. I am a college student at Spring Hill University.
Please Help. Thank you.
you must get your application in by all application deadlines of any and all scholarships you apply to. Look into any general disability scholarship too, not only hearing loss scholarships. Every sponsor of a scholarship will have their deadline date so you just have to check to make sure you submit it by then. Have you looked into grants too. Have you talked to the FINAID office at your college about disability scholarships for you? If not you should.
Hello,this is David Pwamang a deaf high school graduate from Ghana.wanting to further.my education at the usa college for the deaf.However i could not meet all the required financial obligations and will therefore be much grateful if i could be assisted.Thank and hoping to read from you as soon as possible.
go to study abroad college scholarships. Also try to apply to the Davis scholarships – http://www.scholarshipsgrants.us/scholarships/the-davis-scholarship-is-international/2527/.