American Council of the Blind Scholarships for Disabled

Each and Every year the American Council of the Blind (ACB) issues over two- dozen visually impaired scholarships and awards to blind students who have demonstrated excellence in the pursuit of educational desires. The deadline for applying for these disabled scholarships is March 1st. Those chosen for blind scholarships must be present at the 48th Annual American Council of the Blind Convention in July to receive their awards. The amount of the awards will vary. The winners will be notified by the end of May. Normally, the American Council of the Blind will cover any costs related to attending the convention to receive a visual scholarship.

All full-time students enrolled in post high school education at either a vocational training school, college or university that is legally blind in both eyes is welcome to apply for the blind scholarships. Now, if you are a part time student and working full-time you can apply for the John Hebner Memorial Scholarship. One of the requirements to be eligible for these awards is the carrying of a 3.3 grade point average. However, if there are circumstances that may have caused your grade point average to decline then there are other scholarships for disabled that may provide you with an ample opportunity. There are certain visually impaired scholarships that take certain circumstances into consideration. The ACB is dedicated to giving all those who are eligible a fair chance to succeed.

The American Council of the Blind was established in 1961. Today it has become one of the leading membership organizations dedicated to the assistance of the nations blind and visually impaired. The ACB has over 71 affiliated organizations. There are 51 state and regional affiliates and 20 national special interest groups. The American Council of the Blind has spent almost five decades in support of the nations blind or visually impaired. The ACB continues to diligently improve the lifestyles of those who are unfortunately inflicted with eyesight loss. Through education and awareness the ACB has opened the eyes of many Americans to the plight of the nations blind. The ACB has been a proud sponsor of these scholarships for blind that have brought valuable assistance to so many.

The American Council of the Blind Scholarship Selection Committee will choose the winners of the two-dozen disability scholarship awards to be issued each year. Applicants need only apply for one award. After reviewing the applicant’s transcripts, essays and recommendations the selection committee will select the visual scholarship that is a best match for each applicant circumstance and situation. The decision will also be based on financial or educational need. Although the deadline for 2009-2010 has expired those who are eligible are welcome to submit their applications for the 2010-2011 session by March 1, 2010. All of the same criteria will apply. The 49th Annual ACB Convention will be held in July of 2010. All applicants that are interested or know someone that is interested in applying for the (ACB) American Council of the Blind Scholarships for Disabled should find more information to help with applying for this visually impaired scholarship.


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6 Responses

  1. January 8, 2010

    […] American Council of the Blind Scholarships for Disabled […]

  2. January 8, 2010

    […] American Council of the Blind Scholarships for Disabled […]

  3. January 8, 2010

    […] American Council of the Blind Scholarships for Disabled […]

  4. January 8, 2010

    […] American Council of the Blind Scholarships for Disabled […]

  5. January 8, 2010

    […] American Council of the Blind Scholarships for Disabled […]

  6. January 8, 2010

    […] American Council of the Blind Scholarships for Disabled […]