Cancer Survivor Disabilities Scholarships for Law

Cancer Survivor Disabilities Scholarships for Law
The below disabilities scholarships are for those looking to major in law and who is also a cancer survivor. These types of cancer scholarships are favorites of ours because they say a lot about the sponsor of these types of awards – they show compassion and are caring.
Something this world is always in need of!
The Morris Law Firm is the sponsor of this disability scholarship they are pleased to announce the Morris Law Firm #RobbyStrong Cancer Survivor Scholarship for the 2016 school year!
Dana Morris is a criminal defense lawyer in Panama City, Florida, who was inspired to create this scholarship by Robby, a courageous young friend of the Morris family, battling cancer. Robby was diagnosed in 2015 with a rare type of childhood cancer, DSCRT.
Dana, not only works on cases that are Florida felonies, he also has a niche in working on students and out-of-towners who find themselves in trouble with the law while on spring break or vacation. He has experience as a juvenile prosecutor—and he’s a parent—so he has compassion for young offenders.
When the Dana Morris’ reached out to Robby’s parents to find out what they could do to help, Robby’s parents were directly plain spoken in saying, “Robby challenges everyone to do random acts of kindness in the name of #RobbyStrong around your community. Our family has been blessed by kindness in a big way, we want to share the love. Go out. Do good. Be RobbyStrong! – and let us know what you are up to.”
The Morris Law Firm realizes that thousands of families have been forced to face cancer head on because of how random cancer strikes. To show support for #RobbyStrong and so many others, the Morris Law Firm would like to help a law student whose life has been affected by cancer with a $500.00 scholarship. The one time scholarship will be presented in the fall of 2016 and all applications must be turned in by May 31, 2016. Applications can be filled out online for this disabilities scholarship.
Robby’s courage and resilience has inspired the Morris Law Firm – “We are #Robbystrong”.
Morris Law Firm #RobbyStrong Cancer Survivor Scholarship Guidelines
This disability scholarship is judged and awarded on merit as well as need. Those who apply must be able to demonstrate merit and their need for this Morris Law Firm scholarship.
You are not required to summit recommendation letters and resumes to substantiate what is in your application; but it’s a very good idea if you do. You must summit your transcript with initial application but an un-opened copy of your official transcripts if you are selected as a finalist.
A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required which is reasonable.
You must attend a law school as of the 2016 fall semester.
Late and uncompleted applications will not be considered – must be submitted online by May 31st 2016. Once online there is a short application which is always welcomed for students who fill out many
online scholarship applications.
Even though the award is $500.00 it’s well worth the small effort in submitting the Morris Law Firm #RobbyStrong Cancer Survivor Scholarship.
*Here is a link to Robby’s Facebook page:
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