Cerebral Palsy Scholarships for Students with Disabilities

Cerebral Palsy Scholarships
Cerebral Palsy Scholarships for students with disabilities are not in abundance so students aflicted with this condition are better served by looking for ‘scholarships for the disabled’ in general then just specifically scholarships for cerebral palsy. We will highlite the few that exist.
As a condition cerebral palsy can be difficult and, in some cases, impossible to manage. Resulting from this, it can be hard for those with some form of cerebral palsy to live their lives with relative ease, and this is shown to be true especially with regards to finding financial assistance for students looking to continue their education on into post secondary institutions.
The largest network for those with cerebral palsy, United Cerebral Palsy, does not offer anything in the form of national cerebral palsy scholarship programs. This being the most logical source for such disability scholarships to sprout from makes finding such scholarship programs even more difficult, as the group does not even offer a useful scholarship guide for those students interested in continuing their education. Instead they point to affiliate groups which may offer cerebral palsy scholarship awards to needy students. Fortunately, despite United Cerebral Palsy’s inability to offer much nationally in the way of solutions, there are groups and, as UCP vaguely suggests, a number of affiliate organizations which do offer financial assistance to students.
On top of applying for this limited number of scholarships for cerebral palsy, students should also consider applying to broader disability scholarships which are much more widely available and cover a number of various conditions under which those with cerebral palsy may qualify. Of course because these disabilities scholarships are not inherently for those living with cerebral palsy interested applicants should read the eligibility over carefully to make sure that they are able to receive funding from any specific source.
The Pfizer pharmaceutical company does offer a cerebral palsy scholarship which many organizations, including the UCP, direct those with the condition to. This disability scholarship is open to students with epilepsy. The aptly named Pfizer Epilepsy Scholarship Award program is open to those with cerebral palsy because epilepsy is a condition commonly associated with the condition. Every year a single $2,000 scholarship is offered to students who have overcome epilepsy in their lives, have strong academic records, participated actively in the community or school groups and have shown a sincere wish to use their education to some great advantage. The selection committee for this cerebral palsy scholarship is made up of those with extensive experience in education and medicine. This should indicate to all interested applicants that a serious desire to expand their education while overcoming their disability will be massively important throughout their application. Other eligibility requirements require students to either currently be in school or having been accepted to a university while under formal medical care for their condition. One letter of recommendation must come from the student’s doctor and a second one must be obtained from a friend, relative, teacher or employer. Along with these letters an essay must be submitted which will consider the challenges an applicant has overcome, what living with the condition has meant to an applicant, who helped them succeed in life or an achievement they are proud of. All application material is due no later than June 15 every year.
Affiliates of the UCP do in fact offer scholarship programs of their own, though this is not true across the board. Students interested in a scholarship from a UCP affiliate should contact the relevant office to see if they offer cerebral palsy scholarships in their area. A good example of a UCP affiliate which offers scholarships comes from the John J. Ingalls Memorial Scholarship as presented by the UCP Metro Boston affiliate office. This program awards three $5,000 scholarships every year in the memory of John Ingalls. This cerebral palsy scholarships are limited to college bound high school graduates or current undergraduate and graduate students who are residents of Massachusetts. All applicants must be medically diagnosed with a disability. For application materials and details, interested students should email or call the UPC Metro Boston offices. The deadline for this cerebral palsy scholarship is April 17 of every year.
Other similar types of cerebral palsy scholarships are offered by affiliates in areas such as California. Several sources suggest looking for funding at a more local level from places such as Moose Clubs, Elk Lodges or the Easter Seals. Students should also highly consider the AmeriGlide Achievers scholarships for disabled students program which would make an ideal substitute for cerebral palsy scholarships.
i need help i want to go back to school but i need scholarships and i have Cerebral Palsy Please Help…..
read more at AmeriGlide Achievers scholarships. You must apply to all disability scholarships as you can to see if you qualify for them. Look also into grants and as a very good last resort student loans without cosigners.
I need help to pay for my college. I am going to Devry university and I have a mild case of Cerebral Palsey. I haven’t woren corective shoes since I was 12 years old. I have recently broke my hip back in 2004 and have been dianosed as Bio polar depression. I been bio polar since 1999. I enrolled in college since Nov. 2010. And I am having trouble walking and my back hurts. I want to apply to all disability scholarships to pay for college.
you must apply to any and all disability scholarships where you seem a good fit for. Unfortunately there is no ONE form to fill out for all disability scholarships, but many we post here you can start to apply for by going directly to their (scholarship sponsor of the website) website to apply. Go to government disability scholarships. Go also to government student aid.
Hello. My name is Olga Osipova. This year I’ve been accepted to the University of the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (http://www.msses.ru). I have entered the magistracy. Faculty of Psychology. I know, you don’t have a partnership with my University, but I decided to ask for your finance help, because although I get a scholarship, but Moscow is one of the most expensive cities to live (food, transport etc). It’s incredible coincidence and good luck, I got a chance to get an education Now I live in Republic of Belarus with my parents. I’m disabled with Cerebral Palsy. I’m temporarily unemployed. My mother have sick-leave certificate now. My father works, but his wages so small for Moscow. So parents can’t help me out financially. I really want to finish my Master’s program, because I’ll be master double-degree programs: The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (Russian Federation) and the University of Manchester (United Kingdom). The University of Manchester is a public research university located in Manchester, United Kingdom. It is a “red brick” university and a member of the Russell Group of research-intensive British universities and the N8 Group. In 2007/08, the University of Manchester had over 40,000 students studying 500 academic programmes and more than 10,000 staff, making it the largest single-site university in the United Kingdom. Education is important for all people, especially for people with disabilities. But I hope, I can pretend? I understand a chance of getting a scholarship is very small, but this is my only chance.
I would be extremely grateful for any help or advice for this problem (addresses, links, e-mail, telephone numbers etc).
Yours respectfully
Olga Osipova
you must talk to the colleges you mentioned to inquire into some sort of disability student aid they may able to offer you. Set appointments with the FinAids office to discuss your options. Contact your department of education department in your country to see what grant/disability/scholarship program they have for your particular situation. They should be able to help you. We do not offer sponsorship’s here unfortunately.