Guidelines for Disability Scholarships
There are 49 million people in America who are suffering from one form of disability or another with close to 24 million people suffering from severe disabilities. However, proper education and exposure to the outside world can make a huge difference to the self esteem, confidence and capabilities of such individuals. There are numerous disability scholarships made available by the Federal government, charitable organizations, associations and trust funds to ensure that lack of funds is never a problem.
A visit to the website disability.gov will fetch you some disability scholarships available in America today. As you can see, scholarships for disability coverage ranges from $500 to as much as $18,000 to $20,000 for good candidates. There are different associations that provide disability scholarships for specific individuals suffering from specific disabilities. There also are some non- profit foundations that provide general scholarships for educating students that suffer from disabilities in general. Disability scholarships offered by the National Federation for Blind and National Association of Deaf is an example of the above-mentioned foundations.
Disability Scholarships – The Legal Framework
The 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is a Federal Law that facilitates disability scholarships and also bars educational institutions from segregating such students and treating them as outcasts. This Act was recently amended in 2004 to make sure it operates properly due to the changing technological and social landscape.
The American Association on Health and Disability has set up the AAHD Disability Scholarships Program in 2009 to facilitate disabled people who want to pursue higher education. Preference is given to those planning to study in public health, health promotion and disability studies. This disability scholarship is worth $1,000 per recipient.
Just like poetry scholarships, disability scholarships too are offered by universities and colleges separately. These scholarships for disability are in addition to the numerous programs offered by other agencies.
The severity of the disability does not matter. From those who are near blind and yet want to study, to those who are suffering from asthma – there is hardly any category of disability that has been omitted or left out of purview.
Learning Disability Scholarships
There is a growing realization that those who suffer from learning disabilities too must get access to scholarships for disabilities just like those who suffer from physical disabilities. This is the reason why there are solutions and programs offered to those suffering from autism and other conditions that makes it difficult for the individual to learn and become educated despite being outwardly normal.
Each and every reputed university has a disability resource centre where individuals can easily get the necessary information about scholarships for the disabled. This information can be found online as well.
Apart from disabilities scholarships, there are many organizations that offer grants to educational institutions to make their classrooms disabled friendly. This includes funding for bigger screens, video conference facility and other such technological devices to make learning more simple, fun and popular.
Disability scholarships do not stop at graduate levels alone. The benefits continue for those interested in pursuing further studies as well. This social initiative can make a real difference to the lives for all those who are disabled and want a higher education.
If you suffer from depression their are a few organizations which sponsor depression scholarships for people with this disability. This illness is much more severe then most realize and it’s been misunderstood for years.
June 7,2010 Hi my name is Chloe C Hayes
And i want to know what kind of scholarship do you have for students with disabilities .How can i get starde what do you have to offer and how can i get in .
Thank you
you must apply directly to each scholarship one by one by going directly to their respective scholarship webpage. Usually there is a link at the bottom of the webpage which you can click on and it will take you directly to the scholarship application page. There you can get information on the criteria and other information to see if you may be qualified to apply. It may be a bit time consuming but worth it in the end if you are awarded scholarship monies.
i have scleroderma i was wondering if there are any grants i can get
go to Fullbright scholarships for disabled to read more which may be able to help you.
I have Eplepsy,asthma,scolisis. Is there scholorhsips for these for college tht i dont have to jump hoops to get? Essays and offical transscripts. I’m also a single parent of an Autisic child. ANy type of funding will help. I have tryed to look up msny over the years but they want to match me up with AI or Phonxen Unversity. I have my sites on Northridge and Anotich or Layola University somewhere locally. Can you help me? I am in need of fudning for my books and transportation.
go to single mother scholarships. I would make an appointment to speak to the fiancial aids manager at a college to see what programs are available for you. You may be a perfect canadate for a Pell grant and don’t even know it. Also there are many programs which the college has that you may sign up for such as a work study program. Look into alternative student loans which work just as well.
I have SMA type 2 which is a type or MD, which means i am fully wheelchair bound. i have been looking for some types of grants for college and the only thing i have found is chairscholar which seems great but more would be nice.
go to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) -they recently announced several grants that have deadlines in July and August 2010.
Go to RSA Scholarship in Rehabilitation to see if this may be of help.
Go to Government Disability Scholarships for College to read more helpful information.
I have a severe form of Tourette Syndrome, which is physically disabling to me without the help of my service dog. (with him I get along like anyone else, it’s a long story) I don’t know of any scholarships at all for TS or related disorders…I also have ADHD, OCD, and some other miscellaneous alphabet- diagnoses. I have sort of a weird situation, anyway, but I want to go to medical school, believe it or not… I just don’t know how that will be made affordable!
read about ADHD scholarships. Go to http://www.heath.gwu.edu/ which may also help you. Also consider no cosigner student loans as a last great resort.
My daughter is a senior this year adn applying to colleges. She is dyslexic and I was wondering if there are any scholarships for dyslexics. Andrea
go to dyslexic scholarships. Read more for general high school scholarships.
My step-son has minor CP. It shows in his speech and fine motor skills. He will graduate in the year 2013. He would like to go to college for a business degree and/or culinary school. What type of grants or scholarships are available for him?
Thank you!
read about the many high school scholarships for college today. Read about unknown scholarships which is great reading and culinary scholarships & Culinary Trust scholarships for cooking. Apply to all general disability scholarships which ask for any disability to apply as a criteria.
Iam a junior in high and need to find a scholarship for college the only problem is is that I dont really have a disability i just need extra help. I want to be a writer or a singer and i am having trouble finding a scholarship for my sort of problem. please help.
go to college scholarships for high school juniors. Also look over these list of scholarships.
We are having alot of financial problems,we have a 14 year old daughter with autism mild,asthma,immune defiency.She has alot of trouble in a large class room.she needs more one on one that a small class would offer.She went to private school through 6th grade we can no longer afford it,she is struggling.Is their a full grant or scholarship we can apply for.Anything you can send me would be appreciated.She wants to go into forensic investigation after high school.Thank-You Cathy Lee Mps Tn
our website only has scholarships for college. You may to go to private high school scholarships to read more on.
I’m a brain aneurysm survivor who has been declared disabled, is going thru recovery, and am interested in pursuing a post graduate certificate. Are there scholarships to cover this? Thanks.
I would contact brain aneurysm survivor support organizations and see if they have any programs to assist you. Post graduate student aid may not be as prevalent as undergraduate support, but I would contact as many places as you can to see. Here are some.
Dear Administrator,
I am a part-time student, part-time retail worker and a recovering schizophrenic. I was diagnosed in my senior year of high school. Since then, I have been an enthused student at a local community college. I enjoy learning and the challenge that comes along with it. I currently live at home, but within the next year and a half I have plans to move out. Can I receive grants and/or scholarships for my disability, while working full-time and part-time college? I would prefer to graduate sooner than later. I express gratitude for your time and any input. Thanks.
read about Schizophrenia scholarships and unknown scholarships. Talk to your FinAids manager to also see what disability student aid you can apply to. This changes from month to month as new programs/funding come out.
I thank you again. I shall research as needed.
Hi I have a daughter who is a junior she has congentital heart disease,in fact just got a new heart valve,she also has juvenile arthritis,and born without gall bladder. She also suffers from depression and had been on medication for a year. Where would be the best places to look for scholorships and grants.I am a single parent trying to find ways to put her thru college.
Aubrey Rose Hollenkamp Foundation Grants is worth looking into. You want to visit website which support conditions which your daughter has such as the CHD and see which ones sponsor a scholarship specific to congentital heart disease or even gall bladder support websites. It may be time consuming but well worth it.
Hello Admin.
I have a paralyzed two legs.I’m looking for scholarship ESL. is there any scholarship for ESL?
read more at ESL scholarships andhttp://www.ccp.edu/site/academic/departments/esl/scholarships.html. Go also to handicapped scholarships and paralyzed scholarships.
Hi, my daughter who was born with congentital heart defect and has undergone 2 open heart surgeries receiving a new heart valve, has been looking for scholarships. She also has juvenile arthritis and was born without a gallbladder. I am a single parent and need help with college any suggestions where to look.
go to http://www.sydneymaetaylorfoundation.org/charitable-programs, http://www.katieherbfoundation.org/main_website_003.htm and
http://www.kidswithheart.org/scholarshipfunds.html. You want to look for those organizations or foundations which provide support for those who have a congenital heart defect and juvenile arthritis to see if they sponsor a scholarship program. Many do.
thanks much
Hello Admin,
I’m wonder if I’m eligable for disabled-scholarships?
Last year I got injured at work(back,neck and depression)
Thank you in advance
I would talk with the manager at the FinAids office of the college you are interested in attending to see what disability programs and student aid you may apply to. Also consider student loans without a cosigner as a very good last resort.
I have a son with high functioning autism starting his second year at the Art Institute of Seattle. He is working towards a BA in Animation. He is only taking 12 credits a quarter because he is not able to handle a bigger workload. He is also not able to work while in school, because homework takes up most of his time. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you
read more at Autism scholarships. Also search for organizations which provide support for autism to see if they offer scholarships which your son can apply to.
Good day,
I have a life threatening spinal mass and am disabled. I was a chef for 20+ years. I am now unable to do that line of work and am wondering if there is any assistance for me to go back to school. I have two kids and am living on my disablity. My wife has sepetated me and I need to make a living for my kids and I. I would like to go to school and be able to find a job that I can do no mater my phisical ablity. I would like a grant or scholarship so I can aford to live whille going to school and finding a job. Could any one direct me to a group or a direction to at least start. Any help would be great.
go to government disability scholarships which may help you. Last link in article is good reading.
Dear admin,
I have been disabled for five years due to the two back surgeries I had had. I am attending classes at a Bible college. I was wondering if there are any scholarships or grants or even loans that I can apply for? It is very difficult trying to pay for these classes myself.
you may want to read about Christian scholarships and student loans without cosigner needed to get a student loan. Also read about the FSEOG.
I am 55 with bipolar, osteoarthritis in neck, back, pelvis, and hips; need hip replacement and lumbar surgery for degenerative disk disease and STILL planning to get Masters in History starting in fall 2013. How do I get started looking for scholarships. I am on SSDI.
I would advise that you contact organizations which offer support for illness’s which you have to see if they would have some type of school assistance which you can apply to. You may be surprised to find out that they do. Have you considered AARP scholarships?
I am a physically disabled lady and i am from Africa,Uganda.i walk with the help of crutches.i would like to get a scholarship in business administration.How do i go about it.
look into South African government bursaries, through your government. They are need based programs.
I have Bipolar Disorder, I have Tourette’s Syndrome, ADD, OCD and ODD. I am in regular to advanced classes and I’m starting out at a community college with a major in Elementary Education and later planning on getting my Bachelor’s Degree. What options do I have? I do not receive financial aid because I am only 22 and from what I’ve learned I will be putting my parents income on my FAFSA application until I turn 24, therefore I do not receive financial aid because my parents make too much money. What scholarships and grants can I get in the state of California, San Diego area.
Since your parents do make good money, as you say, you will be limited on receiving much money from your FAFSA, so you must apply to those disability scholarships which you can apply to based on your disorders of which you have. You can apply to general disability scholarships which are those awards where anyone with any disability, can apply to them. Also, search for those organizations which provide support for the disabilities which you have. Many times these support organizations will have foundation or memorial scholarships or educational awards, you can apply to specifically for your disability. IE – Search for “Tourette’s Syndrome support” or “ADD support” and check to see if they have an educational award you can apply to.
Read more at SCHOLARSHIPS FOR BIPOLAR STUDENTS. Also go to learning disability scholarships too.
Hi, I am a 59 yo man on permanent disability. My disability happened to come directly after being a full-time (could not work due to their types of illnesses) caregiver for my best friend (brother) and then my mother (moving in with both of them at different times ) I was / am a photographer who after many years of being under extreme stress and low end jobs making a full-time college education not possible. I also suffer from lifelong OCD and anxiety problems. My question is while taking care of my mother I did take online courses with The Art Institute earning a few credits short of an AA with a 3.9 GPA. My problem is once I became disabled I could no longer pay back my college debt, but as of right now am in good standing while I am having them discharged due to my permanent disability. I always wanted a degree preferably in the arts and always wanted to be a teacher, but because I have also worked as a caregiver particularly for for an organization out of San Francisco named “The Independent Living Project”the medical field appeals to me also.
My questions are:
1/ Can I receive my already earned credits from the educational system ?
3/ I am in my third year of having my loans discharged do I have to wait until they are discharged to receive my credits ?
4/ What would be the best direction for applying for a scholarship.
Thank you for your time.
I can give you scholarship advice only. On your credits and loan information you may want to contact https://studentloans.gov/myDirectLoan/contactUs.action for that. Also go to https://www.disability.gov/resource/disability-govs-guide-student-financial-aid/ which should help you. Apply to any scholarship you feel you may have a chance for – that’s our rule of thumb. With your high GPA you should be able to win a scholarship from someplace.
Do you know of any scholarships for women with Fibromyalgia? I am interested in learning computer skills so I can work from home. Thanks for your help!
Best bet is to look for organizations & Foundations which provide support for people who have Fibromyalgia. Many times they have scholarships & grants for you to apply too. Otherwise there is nothing we know about. Read more at women scholarships.