Disability Awareness Scholarships from Military VA Loan

Disability Awareness Scholarships
The disability awareness scholarship that is provided by Military VA Loan is aimed at supporting those who are disabled and it is awarded on an annual basis. The students who receive this award will normally get $1,000 that goes towards helping them meet the costs that are associated with going to school. As an applicant, you have to be ready to submit an application essay about how you or someone that you know went on to become someone better or do something better by overcoming their disabilities.
Who is Military VA Loan?
Military VA Loan is owned and operated by Full Beaker Inc. which is a registered mortgage broker whose loans are normally arranged through third parties. The brokerage firm is licensed under the Department of Financial Services to carry out the duties specified under its mandate; and not associated with the US government.
It is a private website that does not share any affiliations with the US government, the Armed Forces and the Department of Veteran Affairs. The information on their website about the business is not affiliated in any way with any government agency whatsoever.
Military VA Loan basically acts as a portal for financial resources to offer active duty personnel and non-active duty veterans the chance to get their mortgages on loan and at affordable rates too.
The disability scholarship applicants will be vetted by the editorial staff at MilitaryVALoan.com before the final award is given out. It is worth noting that applicants are welcome to hand in their applications whether they are disabled or not because this scholarship is not restricted to particular persons only, but the main aim is to raise awareness.
Disability Awareness Scholarships Directive
The scholarship award is presented on an annual basis to the recipients, and each of them gets $1,000. The scholarship is normally awarded to persons at least 17 years old who have been accepted into a college program within the country but have not already started the college program yet.
Students who are pursuing undergraduate and other graduate courses are also able to apply for the disabled scholarships, even those who are going through an institution of higher learning.
Applicants will be awarded based on their merit due to the high volume of applications that are received every other year.
In this regard, the applicants need to make sure that they sustain at least a minimum of 3.0 on their GPA standings or an equivalent based on other examination standings. These results will be based on their academic results for their previous academic year.
Once you have been selected as the winner and awarded the Military VA Loan scholarship, you will be notified of your position and mailed a W9 tax form which should be duly completed and returned to Military VA Loan. It is only when this form has been returned to Military VA Loan that the check will be mailed to the address indicated in the W9 tax form.
Remember that Military VA Loan will only be awarding you the disability scholarship, but any tax obligations that will arise from the scholarship will be met by the recipient of the scholarship hence the need for the W9 tax forms.
In order to steer clear of frauds and others who might engage in malpractices, it is important to mention that Military VA Loan never contacts any applicant at any part of the application process and the only time when this happens is when the scholarship for disabled students has already been awarded.
This is normally done to inform the applicant of their successful application and consequent award of the scholarship.
Applicants are also encouraged to make sure that they seek all the information that they need on the Military VA Loan website to ascertain whether or not they have been successful in their application.
Those who need more information on these disabilities scholarships or any other supporting information are encouraged to find out more on the official website of the US Government and the Department of Veteran Affairs.
Alternatively you can also seek more information on through the website for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.
where do I find the applications for the scholarships?
go to http://www.militaryvaloan.com/disability-scholarships.html and you will see the link for the application.