Disability Scholarships for Canadian Students

Disability Scholarships for Canadian Students
National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) Canadian Scholarships
There are many Disability scholarships for Canadian students around, and they are very plentiful at NEADS, which stands for, National Educational Association of Disabled Students. They have a comprehensive set of tools for Canadian disabled students looking for scholarships, grants and financial aid, along with other very helpful bits of information for disabled people as well.
NEADS is a company with a mandate to support full access to education and employment for post-secondary students & graduates with disabilities all across Canada. Their focus is mainly on:
1) Student and graduate employment
2) Student experience in class and on campus
3) Student debt reduction
Under their NEADS Financial Aid Directory for instance, they have categories that make it real simple for Canadian students to access avenues in finding disability scholarships, grants and financial aid. The simpler it is for students the better too, because finding good student financial aid is complicated enough in itself. Having it broken down the way NEADS does truly makes it a pleasure searching for student disability aid in Canada. Below are the categories you will find upon visiting their website. Having the various categories does make searching much easier, and NEADS also has CA Government sources in which to look too.
*Government Funding Programs: National
*Government Funding Programs: By Province
*National Scholarships and Grants
*Regional Bursaries, Scholarships and Grants
*Scholarship & Award Programs Available at Individual Institutions
NEADS National Student Disability Awards Scholarships Program
Under the NEADS National Scholarships and Grants category, you will find their NEADS National disability award. They have (2) $5,000 AMI Robert Pearson Memorial Disability Scholarships, (1) NEADS Christine Nieder Memorial Award, (1) NEADS Holly Bartlett Memorial Scholarship, and (6) NEADS National Student Awards.
To apply, applicants must be Canadian residents, have a permanent disability, and studying full time at a Canadian accredited University. The criteria for selection is based on: Demonstrated potential to be an outstanding participant in the community, outstanding record of volunteerism and/or employment, and must have a strong commitment to your academic discipline as well. April 1st is deadline to apply online.
To apply go to the NEADS National Student Awards Program.
NEADS GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program for Disabilities
Also in the NEADS Financial Aid Directory is the GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program in Canada. This disability student award gives financial support along with skills development opportunities to fifteen accomplished 1st-year undergraduate students from recognized institutions whom are pursuing degrees in the fields of business/management and engineering. $4,000 is given to winners in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years of their undergraduate programs. Mentoring is also provided by a business leader at GE of Canada. Other GE opportunities are provided to those who win as well. Go to GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program for more.
NEADS AUCC Scholarship Programs for Disabled Students
Ten students have the opportunity to win the AUCC Scholarship Program for a value of $5,000 per year for those who apply before June 1st of every year. The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) have two student aid financial programs to help post secondary students with disabilities. They are called the The AUCC Scholarship for Students with Disabilities and Mattinson Scholarships.
Apply at AUCC Scholarship Programs.
NEADS Canadian Hard of Hearing Association (CHHA) Scholarship Program Disability Student Financial Award
The Canadian Hard of Hearing Association (CHHA) Scholarship Program offers (3) $1,000 awards to those with a hearing loss, and full time students in ANY area of study. The (CHHA) Scholarships draw awareness to those suffering with hearing loss and what it’s like to have it.
Wayne and Walter Gretzky Scholarship Foundation for Disabled Students
The Wayne and Walter Gretzky Scholarship Foundation offers numerous awards of $5,000 to students afflicted with vision impairment. To qualify, applicants must submit a essay, and fill out an online application and answer questions presented. August 1st is deadline.
Copnick/Hilliard Scholarship Fund for Disability Students
The Copnick/Hilliard Scholarship Fund gives $1,000 for the physically disabled student enrolled at the post-secondary level in Canada. Apply before August 31st yearly.
The Active Living Alliance for Canadians with Disabilities Graduate Student Research Scholarships & Award
The Active Living Alliance for Canadians with Disabilities Graduate Student Research Award is for graduate students conducting research that encourages themes of physically active lifestyles among Canadians with disabilities. Students who are currently enrolled in a graduate-level program at a Canadian University are all eligible to apply. The applicant must be the main author of their submitted paper, and will present their findings at the National Alliance Forum. All student expenses are paid for.
OBCL Epilepsy Disabilities Scholarships
The OBCL Epilepsy Scholarship is a $1,000 award open to Ontario students 16-21 years old who have epilepsy. May 29th is deadline.
Global Television Network Scholarship
The Global Television Network Scholarship is an Internship Award for a Canadian student with a physical disability. It provides a $15,000 award-internship to a Canadian student who has a mobility impairment. Those students eligible to apply for this award must be a Canadian citizen, have a physical disability, be a secondary school graduate with a grade average suitable for admission to radio and television arts or journalism programs at recognized post-secondary schools, all must be in Canada. May 31st is deadline.
*Read more on disability scholarships for disabled students!
Please can people from Nigeria apply for this scholarship?
you must always ask the sponsor of the scholarship that you want to apply to IF you are eligible to apply. This is the only way to find out fore sure. You can do this by emailing them via their contact page on their website.