Disability Scholarships for Financial Aid

Disability Scholarships for Financial Aid
There are really nice disability scholarships offered by some new disability related organizations worth looking into. Below are a summary of those disability financial aid.
Rehabmart.com Disability Scholarships
Rehabmart.com that are worth looking into because there are multiple awards given out yearly which increases the chances of winning. Rehabmart.com has established a $25,000 scholarship fund for students with disabilities, and for students pursuing a college degree in a health sciences/healthcare-related field, along with students pursuing special education degrees.
Rehabmart is owned and operated by Occupational and Physical Therapists who also happen to be parents of disabled children. They have designed their Scholarships to promote awareness to the cause of making higher education accessible for students living with disabilities. Rehabmart.com strongly feels that this is a way for them to give back, while at the same time showing their gratitude for the healthcare, health sciences and special education professions.
In 2016 there were 35 Rehabmart scholarship winners from a pool of 900 applicants who responded. This was the very first year that the scholarship was offered by Rehabmart.
Students can apply online for a chance to win from $250 to $2,500 by writing a short thoughtful essay about this question posted on their scholarship website page:
“What medical device, technology, or therapeutic technique do you believe has made the biggest difference in the life (or will make in the future) of a disabled adult or child? Tell us what your chosen device / technology / technique is, and explain how it has/will make a difference”.
The essays most considered are ones which have 250 or more words in them, and are clear, concise, and informative biographies having pertinent material such as how applicants overcame their own physical & mental challenges, what extra-curricular activities they participate in, what causes they volunteer for, and alternative ways that people are helping others.
Students with a disability of ANY major can also apply too for a chance at winning one of the awards; and not just health science students and special needs education. There will be multiple disability scholarships given out to those qualified fitting the scholarship criteria. The deadline date for all submissions is May 31st.
To apply go to the Rehabmart Scholarships.
Axon Optics Migraine Story Scholarships for Disability
Axon Optics has a $1,000 disability scholarship for students affected in one way or another by migraine. Any full time student can apply too. To apply, applicants must submit an essay with no more then (300) words, OR a video less then one minute, OR an image such as a drawing or photograph, or similar: on answering ONE of these questions:
1) What is your migraine story?
2) What is your light sensitivity story?
This MUST be submitted on the applicants social media account!
This past year’s submission deadline has just passed (November 30th) , but you can apply for next year.
Axon Optics is a provider of eyeglasses and contact lenses that block the wavelengths of light shown to reduce light sensitivity & migraines. They assist hundreds of individuals who suffer with this incurable debilitating illness. It is estimated that over 10% of the population suffer from migraine headaches and it has become the eighth most disabling illness in the world today.
ASAN Autistic Scholars Fellowship Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities
Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) is a non-profit organization run by and for Autistic people. It was started for the disability rights for the Autistic community. They work for Autistic public policy changes, cultural activities, information, education, and advocacy relevant Autistic projects.
Up to six students have a chance to win $5,000 in tuition disability scholarships who suffer from autism. Applicants will be screened based on a strong background in civil rights activism, a commitment in working in an inclusive fashion, and building up of the the Autistic cause in their college – all for Autistic people. November 15th is deadline yearly.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation Disabilities Scholarships for Graduate Students
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation offers up to (15) scholarships, $ 5,000 each, for students enrolled full time in graduate study in a communication sciences and disorders program in the US. Two each will be awarded for minority, international, and NSSLHA students. It appears that this award does NOT need applicants to have a disability to apply; but asking them first would be advisable before applying.
The ASHFoundation started in 1946, is a charitable organization that supports the advancement of knowledge in the field of communication sciences and strives to assist the lives of people with hearing, speech and language disorders. Its estimated that 49 million Americans are affected with a speech-language-hearing disorder of some kind.
Bella Soul Disabled Scholarships
The Bella Soul Yow Sibling disability scholarships are for full time students who actively participates in taking care of their sibling with a physical ailment, physical disease, and/or physical disability – ie. suffering with some type of chronic illness or physical disability. Not based on GPA. Applicants are to write a three page double spaced essay about what it’s like taking care of a sibling afflicted with a disease/disorder of some type:
1) Explain day to day routine.
2) Explain what you have learned from your sibling who is confronting a disability?
3) What advice would you give to another individual confronting similar adversity?
Applicants do not have to be suffering from a disability to apply to this scholarship either.
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