Disability Scholarships for Spinal Cord Injuries

Disability Scholarships for Spinal Cord Injuries
***Below are disability scholarships for spinal cord injuries that was sent in to us through our comments area, at the bottom of our web-pages. Feel free to send them in, and I will post them.
MCPHEARSON FOUNDATION, INC. Disability Scholarship Criteria
Spinal cord scholarships are offered by The McPhearson Foundation, Inc, and they accept complete scholarship packets up to the scheduled deadline of April 1st annually. This application is for the combined fall and spring semesters that follow the April 1st deadline. The scholarship shall be awarded under the policies and procedures of the McPhearson Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors. The following guidelines and conditions apply.
1. The applicant must be a Spinal Cord injured person pursuing their education, whether it be a four-year college/university, junior college or vocational school.
2. If the applicant plans to attend a university or four year college, and the applicant is a graduating senior from a high school, the applicant must have a cumulative high school grade point average of 2.75 or higher.
3. If the applicant is a graduating senior from a high school, the applicant must have a composite ACT Score of 19 or a SAT Score of 900-940 (w/ a writing score of 1350).
4. All Scholarships are awarded for the academic year, consisting of the fall and spring semesters.
5. Payments shall be made to the recipient(s) university/college by crediting the university’s student account to offset expenses reflected on the recipient’s university billing statement.
6. The scholarship is for one academic year only.
7. All applicants must meet the general requirements to be considered a student in good standing at their college and/or university, junior college or vocational school.
8. The number of scholarships awarded and the amount of each scholarship are at the discretion of the McPhearson Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors on a year-to-year basis and dependent upon the amount of earnings available to the Foundation.
9. Priority of consideration shall be given to entering freshman who will graduate from a high school located in Choctaw County, Alabama; Lamar Academy in Meridian, Mississippi; and Tuscaloosa Academy in Tuscaloosa, Alabama or, if the applicant is currently enrolled in a post secondary school, graduated from these same schools. Any spinal cord injured person, regardless of the location of their high school, are nevertheless eligible.
10. The applicant must complete and return the Application Form.
11. The applicant must complete and return a Personal Essay.
12. The applicant must have two (2) Individual Scholarship Recommendations completed, signed and returned.
13. The applicant’s Primary Physician must provide a diagnosis describing the
extent of the applicant’s spinal cord injury.
There are not many spinal cord injury scholarships for college, and this seems like a good disability scholarship to apply to. Go to: MCPHEARSON FOUNDATION INC. SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION for spinal cord injuries, and apply.
Mail completed application packet to:
Virginia L. McPhearson
3310 Harbor Ridge way
Tuscaloosa, AL 31901
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