General Disability Scholarships for Disabled Students

General Disability Scholarships
Below are some general scholarships for disabled students that should be looked into if you have a disability which matches their individual criteria. Some you may never have heard of; but this don’t mean that they are not worth looking into. They may give you ideas into other student disability financial aid avenues that you haven’t explored yet.
Ability Center of Greater Toledo Disability Scholarships
The Ability Center of Greater Toledo runs a scholarship program in conjunction with other communities and partners who work to make sure that everyone has a shot at a good education. Through this scholarship the disabled persons are able to get higher education and eventually compete for some of the top jobs with their counterparts.
The Ability Center provides scholarships for college going students within the confines of the county, with $20,000 offered for the scholarships for disabled students.
The disability scholarships are normally awarded on an annual basis during the spring to students who are disabled. Besides that the student must have a permanent residency status in Lucas, Fulton, Wood, Ottawa, Defiance, Henry, and the county of Williams in Ohio. However, permanent residents of Monroe and Lenawee in Michigan are also eligible to apply for these disability scholarships.
In line with the application procedure for the scholarship, the students are also expected to hand in an essay about the challenges that they have faced with disability, why then need the scholarship and most importantly how they intend to give back to the society when they get the scholarship and have advanced their education. For more on go to: Ability Center of Greater Toledo Disability Scholarships.
*If you are NOT residences of the above named counties, then look into similar types of organizations in the counties you presently reside which provide same types of services for disabled persons and see if they have a scholarship program you may apply too.
Through the Looking Glass Scholarships for Disabled Students
Through the Looking Glass Scholarships for students with disabled parents is aimed specifically at students whose parents are disabled in one way or the other, and they face financial challenges in enjoying good college education. 15 different $1,000 disabilities scholarships are normally awarded every year. The scholarships are awarded under Through the Looking Glass’ National Center for Parents with Disabilities and their Families. There are usually different scholarship requirements available for college students and also for high school seniors.
High school seniors:
The student has to be a high school graduate or if they are graduating seniors. You should also have plans to go through a 2-4 year college system in the fall semester either under an AA, BS or BA degree. Besides that, at least one of your parents must be disabled.
College students:
You need to be enrolled in a 2-4 college process, pursuing a BA, BS or an AA degree. As at March 11th of the year you are applying, you must be 21 years of age or younger, and also have at least one parent disabled.
The selection criteria for the scholarships for disability normally consider the academic performance, community service and most importantly a good letter or recommendation.
AAHD Disabilities Scholarship Program
The American Association on Health and Disability is “dedicated to improve overall health and reduce health disparities for people with disabilities through health promotion and wellness” They offer a scholarship program called the AAHD Frederick J. Krause Scholarship on Health & Disability (2014-2015).
This scholarship program is normally awarded on an annual basis to students who show promise in their academics but suffer some form of disability.
The student should either be going through an undergraduate program or a graduate program in an accredited university. The students should also be pursuing an education in a course related to health and disability, which can be anything from health promotion, public health, disability studies, disability research, rehabilitation engineering and any other course that impacts on the lives of those with disabilities.
The scholarship award is at most $1,000, and is only awarded to students who are legal residents in the US or those who have been enrolled in a US university that is accredited. It is important to note that when you apply for this scholarship, you are granting AAHD permission to use your name, picture or story for future use in reference materials.
1800 Wheelchair Scholarship
The 1800 Wheelchair scholarship has been around since the year 2006, and is awarded every other year. This is a general scholarship that is awarded to students who should be at least 16 years of age.
The students must also have been registered in an accredited university, college or high school. The scholarship award of $500 is presented to applicants who have a good academic standing, and in particular those students who have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or its equivalent. To be eligible for this award, you do not need to have any particular disability, all are encouraged to apply.
i need a masters scholarship in engineering
apply to see if you can win.
I have been looking through everything is their scholarships for adults who are disabled? I have been searching and when reading I always run into walls like my age… I am also wondering these scholarships that come from certain colleges are they only good at those colleges or are they good for every college even if they are at that college?
some scholarships are good at certain colleges only; but most are not. Have you looked for organizations which provide support for your disability, such as Foundations – which many have educational awards you can apply to. Talking to the FinAids office at the college you are interested in attending in person produces some of the best results.
My son has Addison’s Disease, but it is so rare I don’t know where to start to look for scholarships for him. He wants to study in the STEM field .
read more at:
Also; search for organizations who provide support for Addison’s Disease. Many times these organizations have educational awards in which to apply to.