Google Lime Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

Google Lime Scholarship
If you have a disability and looking to attend college then consider the Google Lime Scholarship for students with disabilities. Google has become an important presence in our lives, and this is particularly true if you have a disability and you intend to go to college to study any type of computer science or to enter a computer science field upon graduation from college. Google has partnered with Lime to create the Lime scholarship program for these students. Lime’s mission is to “add demonstrated value to the global corporate community by unlocking economic potential through employment of people with disabilities”. In other words Lime is trying to increase the number of people with disabilities in the workforce.
Google scholarship style network retreats that take place at the GooglePlex in Mountain View, California are also available. Typically, in order to be invited to the retreats at the GooglePlex, you must win one of the Google Lime Scholarships that are available. All expenses for these retreats will be paid as a part of your Google scholarship award. The scholarships offered by Google and Lime are awarded to students based on a variety of different criteria, including the students academic background, their passion for computer science, their leadership abilities, and more.
The Google Lime scholarship is awarded in two different amounts. If you are studying in the United States, the disability scholarship award amount is $10,000. If you are studying in Canada, the scholarship award amount is $5000. Neither Google nor Lime has confirmed how many Lime scholarships are awarded each year, but typically, with such high award amounts, the number of Google scholarships awarded will be low, which means that the competition for this Google scholarship will be fairly stiff – especially in light of the large amount of the award. Nevertheless, do not let this stop you from applying for the Google Lime scholarship program because it’s well worth it if you win and it will change your life.
In order to be eligible for the Lime scholarship by Google, you must be a junior or senior in college, as an undergraduate. You can also be in a graduate program. You do not have to be a citizen of the United States or Canada, but you do have to be attending a university accredited in the United States or Canada. Additionally, you must have a verifiable disability; you must be enrolled in a computer science program of study, a computer engineering program, or a related study for a technical field. You must also be a full
time student.
It is important to note that according to Google and Lime, a disability is a very broad term. For instance, they state that those who have what appears to be a disability to others also fulfills the eligibility requirements, in terms of having a disability. If you aren’t sure if your disability or perceived disability qualifies you, apply anyway.
Applications for the Google Lime scholarship for students with disabilities must be made online. It must include your contact information, your education information, your current resume, your transcripts, your answer to the essay questions that are provided, and two letters of recommendation from a supervisor, professor, or adviser.
To learn more go to the Google Lime Scholarship for Students with Disabilities and Google scholarship application form. Note that the deadline for this scholarship from Google application occurs in December of each year, and late applications will not be accepted or considered.
Also note that there are additional Google college scholarships available as well, including the Google AISES Scholarship in partnership with the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, the Google Anita Borg Scholarship, the Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities, the Google Hispanic College Fund Scholarship, the Google United Negro College Fund Scholarship, and the Google Zawadi Africa Scholarship.
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My name is Samantha, I am a 25 year old single mother. My daughter is 20 months old. I am disabled and have postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. I am having difficulty paying for all my classes, books, baby sitters, and other bills. Everything has been so overwhelming, but I want to keep moving forward and attending college. I only have 4 semesters left to complete 3 computer related associate degrees. Can you help point me in the right direction for scholarships. Thank you.
go to:
I am nasir altaf from Pakistan AJ&K State.
I am disabled and effected by Polio
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Thank You.
Nasir altaf
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