Hydrocephalus Scholarships for Disabled Students

Hydrocephalus Scholarships
Hydrocephalus scholarships for disabled students are normally designed for those people either living with the condition, their families, or those going to school specifically to study the topic. While there are a number of organizations or groups both nationally and locally which offer hydrocephalus scholarships one of the biggest organizations within the United States which offer these programs is the Hydrocephalus Association. This organization works for on advocacy, support and general community building. As a member of the National Health Council the organization is part of a nationwide group which represented over 100 million different people. On its own the Hydrocephalus Association gives out six different scholarships for hydrocephalus every year and represents the best bet for many students to get access to financial aid. Students in Canada should be aware that there are a number of options available for them as well depending on the province in which they live.
*Hydrocephalusa is a medical condition in which there is an abnormal accumulation of water or Cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles, or the cavities of the brain. It is known in laymans terms as ‘water on the brain’.
Generally speaking students interested in getting a hydrocephalus scholarship from the Hydrocephalus Association will need to fall under their singular eligibility requirements. Students interested in these programs will need to be preparing to attend a four year university, trade school, or post graduate program while being 17 years of age or older. Funds from these hydrocephalus scholarships may be used for anything relating to education including books, exam fees, or other various costs. All of the programs award at least one scholarship every year in the amount of $500. Applications are not made available online and students interested in applying to a scholarship program will need to be living with hydrocephalus as an active condition in their life. While the 2011 cycle has come to a close, students should pay attention to the website for more information and upcoming deadlines when they are announced.
As of 2009, there are six different hydrocephalus scholarships available from the Hydrocephalus Association. The Gerard Swartz Fudge, Morris L. and Rebecca Ziskin, and Anthony Abbese hydrocephalus scholarships each provide two different awards of $500 a piece. The Justin Scot Alston, Mario J. Tosco and Giavanna Marie Melomo hydrocephalus scholarship provide only a single award each year. Many of these hydrocephalus scholarships are memorial programs, designed not only to provide funding but also to help remember the people who have died while suffering under hydrocephalus. Unfortunately there do not appear to be many other hydrocephalus scholarships for disabled students available in the united states though students will likely have a good amount of luck applying for disability scholarships available in greater numbers.
It is worth noting that American Association on Health and Disability provides a scholarship every year for students going into a program to study disabilities with an interest in a career within the disability field. While not necessarily a hydrocephalus scholarship, the Hydrocephalus Association does link the program at the bottom of their website for interested students. Students can receive up to $1,000 in assistance while being a United States citizen and preparing to major in either disability studies or a health related field. All applicants will need to be enrolled in either undergraduate or post-graduate study. While the 2011-2012 cycle has closed, students are encourage to check in with the website for the next academic year’s application.
Students in Canada have a few options for a hydrocephalus scholarship depending on where they live in the country. As an example the Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship is given out to a varying number of students with hydrocephalus every year. This particular program is limited to students who are residents of Ontario but may be applied to any accredited school or university. All applications are due April 29 of every year. In a similar vein to the above program, the Luciana Spring Mascarin hydrocephalus scholarship for disabled students gives out varying number of different awards every year. Eligibility for this scholarship for having hydrocephalus requires that students be citizens of Windsor, Essex, or Chatham-Kent while preparing to head off to any college. The deadline for this program is March 31.
My name is Monica Labrie and I am 18 years old. I will graduate from Clare High School in a few weeks and I am looking for scholarship information. I was born 7 weeks early and because of that I had hydrocephalus which caused some trauma resulting in learning disabilities. I have been mainstreamed for most of my education with the exception of some special education classes. I have completed biology, geometry, Spanish 1, chemistry I, algebras 1 & 2, even though my grades were not always the greatest. I would like to continue my education at Mid-Michigan Community College after graduating. My parents have been helping me look for scholarships. I would like to apply for a scholarship for the fall of 2012. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely Monica Labrie, 531 Point Drive, Clare, MI 48617.
read about college scholarships for high school seniors. Then search for organizations which provide support for your condition such as Hydrocephalus scholarships from the Hydrocephalus Association. There are others too. You can always apply to any general disability scholarship which just requires that you have a documented disability to apply. There are thousands of these.
HI, My name is Joseph Nauseef, I had recently started a PHD, and i was wondering what scholarships were offered still, I had hydrocephalus resulting frm bacterial meningitis when I was 7 months old and I have contacted the hydrocephalus association, and I am waiting a reply from them. i had the shunt removed last year and I earned my masters about 8 months later.
contacting organizations or foundations which provide support for your disability is a great way to look for these types of scholarships since they are very specific. Read more at: https://www.disabilityscholarships.us/bleeding-disorder-scholarships-for-disabilities/. You can also apply to any disability scholarship which just requires a disability to apply to it. Also contact the FinAids office of the college you attend to inquire into their very own disability scholarships.
Hello my name is Curtis,
I don’t have much use of my right hand and arm motions are restricted. I was injured on a glass door on my very last day of school. I severd my main artery, and two nerves completely in my upper car. I went through the glass door. I want to further my education, and need to know what financial assistance is available. Can you please contact me at odettepenney@hotmail.com
Thank You
I would apply to those scholarships which are disability scholarships in general. Many colleges have those which you should investigate into the college you would like to attend and inquire their.
The FinAids office is always your best first start when looking for Financial aid!
You may get some ideas at: unclaimed scholarships.
let me know how i can access these scholarships
go to http://www.hydroassoc.org/hydrocephalus-education-and-support/hydrocephalus-scholarships/ to apply.
I am a non-traditional student with hydrocephalus. I am nearly 49 years of age. I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish at present, but I have been unable to find any sort of employment, because I feel as if I experienced discrimination for knowing the Spanish language, but not being Hispanic. I was accepted to the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth in May 2016 for the Fall Semester 2016 to study the Portuguese language…not only that, but I will be allowed to skip the elementary Portuguese (101 and 102) and intermediate Portuguese (201 and 202) courses and to dive right into Portuguese 301 (Portuguese Composition and Conversation) because I was able to talk with the department head and secure her approval to skip the first two years, due to learning some Portuguese on my own. The problem is that they don’t offer any online courses except for Portuguese 101 at UMass Dartmouth this year, and I need to move from Ohio to Massachusetts to attend classes there. I have no money at all, as I have been unemployed for more than two years, of no fault of my own, and because of employment discrimination from most likely my past two employers probably giving negative information about me. I have received some financial aid from UMass Dartmouth, but what they have offered me will only give me about 35% of the cost of out-of-state tuition, and I also need money to move myself and my personal belongings to New Bedford, MA and get an apartment. I do not drive and do not own a car either. I currently receive Medicaid and am on SNAP (food stamp) benefits, but I have not officially been declared disabled by Social Security yet. I have a recent reconsideration claim pending with them as well. I am hoping that someone can be of help to me, as I continue to apply for scholarships for which the deadline has not yet passed.
if you keep searching for colleges and applying to them you should get a financial aid package that you are looking for. Just keep applying to colleges and one will offer you what you want based on what you told me. Make sure you fill out a FAFSA too and summit it to all schools you are applying to.
You don’t seem to get it. I have a particular major in mind, and VERY FEW schools have a Portuguese language major, especially where you can go and get a Bachelor’s degree and go straight through to a Master’s and a Ph.D. I also would have a tough time getting into Ohio State University for their Portuguese program, seeing as their admissions policy is very selective, plus the semester there has already started, and I would have to wait until next year to start there if I were even able to get in. I have already been accepted to UMass Dartmouth. I just need someone to kick in with money to get me there and help me get an apartment so I can get a job (or finally get on disability like I deserve to be) and pay my tuition bill. I was told that I could take classes in the fall without paying my tuition bill, but I couldn’t sign up for spring classes until the fall tuition bill was paid. I’m not giving up. It’s pretty much too late to apply anywhere else for fall admission, and the only school I could readily go to is the local community college here, but I won’t for 2 reasons: 1) they don’t offer Portuguese classes and 2) I am only eligible for student loans to attend the community college here…so if I take out any more loans there, I would not be eligible for them for UMass Dartmouth if I had to wait until next year to go there. I’ve explored every other option that is possible.
Since I already have a bachelor’s degree in Spanish, I am NOT eligible for Pell or SEOG Grants. And I can’t even get College Work Study as an alternative to a loan, due to my bachelor’s degree status. The Federal government made sure of that.
go to government disability financial aid to see if this may help.