Microsoft Disability Scholarships for Disabled Students

Microsoft Disability Scholarships for Disabled Students
Microsoft Disability Scholarships for disabled students are different from the average scholarship programs because it focuses solely on the disabled students to allow them go to college and also to make it possible for them to enjoy some of the impacts that technology has had on the world we live in.
Through this tech approach it is imperative that they go further to establish successful careers in technological spheres just in the same way that the rest of their counterparts who do not have any disabilities do.
The disability scholarship is aimed at encouraging more students with disabilities to enroll in college and proceed with further education so that they can fight the stigma that has been associated with bias with respect to employment of disabled persons because they do not have the required educational capacities.
The Microsoft disability scholarships are not renewable though the eligible students will be awarded $5000 to cater for a number of their expenses. The fund is normally paid through the Seattle Foundation under the ERG (Employee Resource Group) from Microsoft to your financial aid office.
Students who qualify for this scholarship have to be enrolled in high school and living with a disability. Apart from that, you should have plans to go to a university for a 2-4 year course or a college program that runs for a similar duration of time.
Only those students who meet the disability eligibility criteria above and can also attain a 3.0 GPA or its equivalent are often considered for this award. Apart from attaining a 3.0 in your GPA, you must also be enrolled either full time or for half of the course period to be considered for the award.
In contrast to the other awards that students normally get, this one is not only awarded on merit, but emphasis is laid on those students who are in financial need.
Microsoft aims to foster the leaders of the future, so your chances of winning the scholarship will be higher in the event that you have been serving in a leadership position either in your school or in your community.
Besides living with a disability, the applicant must be a high school senior for them to be considered for the scholarship.
The disabilities considered for this award are those that are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and can include anything from physical disability to speech disability.
It is also important that the school which the applicant is attending should be either in the USA or for purposes of financial transactions, have an affiliate in the USA. In the event that you want to find out whether your non-USA school is eligible for this award, you can get in touch with the Seattle Foundation for more details and clarification on the same.
Students will only be eligible for this award if they intend to major in computer science, engineering, computer information systems, business courses that are acceptable to the committee of the award or in a legal course.
Whilst applying for this award, students are expected to have participated in some extracurricular activities either in their schools or at community level. The reason for this is because of the need to advance the award to students who are showing promise and students who have shown their ability to interact with other people in the community.
Special attention will be paid to those who have been able to receive particular awards or honors in the course of their education. If any of these awards was in a field that is associated with technology, you have a better chance of being selected for the award for these disability scholarships since Microsoft is looking to encourage the enrollment of more students with disabilities into tech related courses and to reduce the unemployment rate of persons with disabilities.
Students are also able to attend community college in the fall but only if the program they are undertaking meets the criteria for eligibility.
You can learn more about the above by going to Microsoft disabilities scholarships.
Are there disability grants available for seniors?
The Americans with Disabilities Act created in 1990 required colleges to accommodate the needs of disabled students. Financial aid opportunities aimed at disability students now exist at many schools. I would talk to the financial aids manager at a college to discuss your options in regards to seniors. New programs open up monthly and universities and colleges are the first ones to know about them. You may also want to read about AARP scholarships and call them to see if they have a scholarship program for you. Look into foundations or organizations which support your particular type of disability too. Many have educational awards.
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