Scholarships for Disabilities from Many Places

Scholarships for Disabilities from Many Places
Below are a few scholarships for disabilities from many different sponsors of disability scholarships which may strike a cord for someone reading this.
That is our hope anyway!
If one seems like a good fit; then apply to it without hesitation because that’s how it happens. Things happen when action is taken.
Foundation for Science and Disability Grants Scholarships
The FSD started in 1975 for non-profit in order to further the cause of scientist who where disabled into society and the scientific community while at the same time working on lowering obstacles that hold back for those with disabilities. The goal is to help disabled people go far in their scientific careers because they have much to offer to science and our society.
The Student Award Program of FSD is geared towards science, technology, engineering, pre‑medical/dental fields, and mathematics. They are for professional or graduate students afflicted with a disability.
It does not have to be a particular disability either. It’s called the Science Graduate Student Grant Fund and you can apply if you’re in your fourth year of college. The award is $1,000 for disabled students accepted into a professional or gradute school with a field of study of Engineering, Mathematics, Science, Medicine, or Technology.
$1,000 Learn to Build an App Scholarship by
This is contest really and anyone can apply, but I thought it would be good to mention it here because you apply once to it and you have a chance to win every month. Jointly sponsored by each and every month winners will be selected solely on how they answer questions to their online application. Also; if you answer quickly and advance through more questions, your chances of winning increase. Go to APP development scholarships to apply.
Buckfire & Buckfire Scholarship for Disabled Students
Offers $1,000 scholarships for a student with ANY disability who is an undergraduate. Apply even if you feel your condition is not considered fully disabled. You must be a US citizen an attending college that is accredited, a minimum 3.0 GPA with one completed semester at an accredited university or college. Apply at
Disability Government Scholarships Website
A very good starting point for any student who is disabled is to go to the government disability website which will have lots of information for disability student financial aid. You can go to and click on the “Education” link, or go to: government disability student scholarships and financial aid. Some of the below are ones to look into.
The United States Senate Youth Program
Started in 1962 by a US Senate Resolution, this program is for high school students going to college to study history and political science. $5,000 is awarded for undergraduate studies. Two students from each state are selected get to spend 1 week in Washington on the front line to see in person with their own eyes how government operates. Students will see Senators speak, cabinet members and Officials from the Department of State, Defense directors and sit in on a meeting with the US Supreme Court. All your expenses will be fully paid for too, with no out of pocket cost to the winners!
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
The HRSA is an “agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for improving access to health care by strengthening the health care workforce, building healthy communities and achieving health equity. HRSA’s programs provide health care to people who are geographically isolated, economically or medically vulnerable”.
This is a valuable resource in helping with student financial aid in the health professions field – which is an excellent field of study for anyone today. Scholarship programs come from the National Health Service Corps, NURSE Corps Scholarship Program and Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students.
They not only have scholarships, they have a multitude of educational health related loans to help students pay for fields of study in the medical profession. When scholarships aren’t an option, then loans can be the only thing left to help students pay for college.
The HRSA just doesn’t have student scholarships for disabilities, but most anyone can apply for them. They are worth mentioning here because they are one of your stronger programs for health related higher education. Go to HRSA scholarships and financial aid to read more.
I need to apply for the disability scholarships and the cancer scholarships and when I click on the link below, it doesn’t take me to the application or site. Can you help please? Thank you! Stephen
not sure what links you are talking about that don’t work??? You can go to for cancer scholarships.
The website comes up with the names of the different scholarships, how do you get to the application for these scholarships? Thank you, Stephen
sometimes we put a link to go directly to the scholarship website to apply, but many times the URL’s are changed. So you may have to search for that particular scholarship on Google or other, to find the new URL and there you can apply to it.
i am trying to apply for the scholarships on her it keep bring me to the site not to the page for this scholarship SCHOLARSHIPS FOR DISABILITIES FROM MANY PLACES and any other disabilities scholarships on this site
should be fixed now. Thanks for the heads up!