Scholarships for Students with Physical Disabilities

Scholarships for Students with Physical Disabilities
Below are a few notable scholarships for students with physical disabilities. They are high profile awards that should be applied to if you fit the criteria.
Lots of disability financial aid is doled out from these organizations too.
The Gavalas Kolanko Foundation Disability Scholarships
The Gavalas Kolanko Foundation awards scholarships for students with physical disabilities. They are public charity established to help disabled students reach their secondary educational objectives. They do this by their disability financial aid.
They direct their awards to South Carolina undergraduates who want to attend the College of Charleston, Charleston Southern University, The Citadel, Trident Technical College, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), and the Art Institute of Charleston who have some type of physical disability, such as sight, movement, or hearing.
They have five applications based on student academic direction & college desired with various deadline & submission dates.
Disability financial aid is given out based on academic achievements, financial need and community involvement.
Michigan Cerebral Palsy Achievements and Abilities Scholarship for Students with/or Affected by Cerebral Palsy
This disability scholarship was established to create awareness about cerebral palsy (CP) and to honor the achievements of those directly effected by CP. One disability financial aid award of $1,500 is given out yearly to an undergraduate, or graduate student afflected with CP; or a family member who has CP. Deadline is end of July.
Applicants must be US citizens, undergraduate, or graduate at a US university and enrolled as full time with a GPA of 3.00 or higher.
Michigan Cerebral Palsy Attorneys are Michigan based attorneys who specialize almost exclusively on cerebral palsy and birth injury cases.
Craig H Neilsen Scholarship Fund for Students with Disabilities
Offered by the University of Utah, these scholarships for students with physical disabilities are for those students who suffer with a spinal cord injury and whose educational direction is business related, or law. Entering freshmen through continuing undergraduates can apply, and there are no state residency requirements. The award is for $7,000.
The DREAM Institute HEAP Scholar Award Scholarship for Students with Physical Disabilities
These awards are for those who will be attending a college in Oaklahoma full time with a physical, or learning disability.
Scholarships are based on financial need and based on two and four year educational programs.
The DREAM Institute is a tax exempt organization whose mission is to help those with disabilities fulfill their life purpose via the educational experience for students with a disability. They do this by academic & professional mentor-ship, academic assistance and through scholastic awards.
Marianjoy Scholarship Program
Since 1994 $750,000 in scholarships for students with a physical disability have been awarded from the Marianjoy Foundation.
Students who apply can attend any college in any field of study too.
Students are selected based on financial need, past leadership & community participation, goals they have towards education & career, and their physical disability they presently have.
Applicants must be from the Illinois counties of: Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, McHenry, or Will to apply.
The Marianjoy Foundation sole purpose is to provide support & awareness in supporting Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital’s mission in serving people with disabilities through patient treatment, education, research, and community programs.
The National Amputation Foundation Scholarships
The NAF sponsors the “The Claude S. Weiler Scholarship for Amputee College Students”.
To apply, applicants must be planning on full time college study.
September 1st – August 31st you may submit your applications.
Applicants must be US citizens.
Microsoft Disability Scholarships
High school students looking to study technology in a college or vocational school with any disability having financial need, with a 3.00 GPA may apply.
Students may also choose a major in engineering, computer science, computer information systems, law, business,or a related field (paralegal, pre-law, finance, business administration, or marketing) to apply.
Demonstrating a passion for technology is key to this award.
$5,000 will be awarded to each student and lots will be handed out yearly.
All applicants will be asked to write (3) essays to apply – (2) 500 word and (1) 250 word to three Microsoft questions.
American Association on Health and Disability Scholarships
Called the The Frederick J Krause Scholarship on Health & Disability; applicants must be full time in a health related field. An award up to $1,000 is given away to many who apply.
November is deadline.
The AAHD; a non-profit, is all about helping children & adults with disabilities through wellness programs via public awareness, research, education and advocacy all on the state, federal and community levels.
need help
apply to those scholarship programs which you feel you match well to the scholarship criteria. Apply to one per day!