Unique Disability Scholarships for Cancer

Scholarships for Cancer
The Ulman Cancer Fund’s National College Scholarship Program was created to offer financial support to the young adults who are seeking higher education while struggling with the obstacles caused by cancer. The Ulman Cancer Fund has set up a five-year plan that will strategically offer academic unique disability scholarships for cancer to a localized geographical area. These unique scholarships for cancer patients are awarded annually to these young adults who qualify. The deadline for the year is May 1st. There are 7 different disability scholarships awarded. Each cancer scholarship will be in the amount of $2,500. The winner’s names are announced in July.
Doug Ulman and his family set up the Ulman Cancer Fund (UCF) in 1997. Doug, who was a student at Brown, University was diagnosed with cancer. Doug and his family became immediately disillusioned by the lack of support programs available. They could not find hardly any literature that was aimed at young adults afflicted by the impact of cancer. Since 1997 the Ulman Cancer Fund has been working diligently towards assisting young adults, their families and friends, with education and financial support that offers them hope and integrity as they struggle with cancer in their lives. Since the programs creation, the UCF has become a major spokesman for the fight against cancer.
The 2009-2010 cancer scholarships will mostly be directed to the geographical area of Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia. However, the applicant can live in another state if they are attending or planning to attend an accredited educational facility in this area. Two of the disabled scholarships for cancer survivors, the Barbara Palo Foster Memorial, which is for nursing students only and the Sean Silver Memorial for young adult cancer survivors only, are still available to nationwide applicants as long as they meet the existing additional criteria. As a note, any young cancer survivors from Maryland that is attending a post high school educational facility in Maryland will be allowed to apply for the Maryland Community Cancer Scholarship.
All applicants must meet certain criteria to be considered for one of the cancer scholarships. They must show dedication to community service, a commitment to educational and professional goals, Use their own experience with cancer to help other young adults who are afflicted, and show medical or financial hardship. There are seven unique college scholarships for cancer available and each may have different criteria for eligibility.
Young Adult Cancer Survivors may apply for the Matt Stauffer Memorial Scholarship Award, the Maryland Community Cancer Scholarships Award, the Sean Silver Memorial Scholarship Award, the Satola Family Scholarship Award at the University of Virginia, the Columbia Triathlon Association Scholarship Award at Howard Community College and the Martek Biosciences Corporation Scholarship Award at the University of Maryland.
Young Adults who have had their lives affected by one of their parents being diagnosed with or losing their life with cancer may apply for the Marilyn Yetso Memorial Scholarship Award, the Barbara Palo Foster Memorial Scholarship Award for Nursing Students only, the Vera Yip Memorial Scholarship Award, The Satola Family Scholarship Award at the University of Virginia, the Columbia Triathlon Association Scholarship Award at Howard Community College and the Martek Biosciences Corporation Scholarship Award at the University of Maryland. Apply for one of these 7 disability cancer scholarships.
Please lead me in the direction for scholarships for my daughter’s college. I (the mom) am the cancer patient and have been placed on SSDI due to the advanced state. Extreme medical-financial situations have exhausted my funds. Yes, she qualifies for the Pell, but she needs more.
Would your agency consider helping a college student whose parent cannot offer collge due to financial exhaustion from cancer? Annie also has learning disabilities.
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