Vision Impaired Scholarships for Disabled Students

Vision Impaired Scholarships
If you are a student looking for vision impaired scholarships for disabled students, then consider some of the ones below.
They are pretty good ones too!
As always; you will never really know if you qualify for disability scholarships unless you apply for them!
The Fred Scheigert Scholarship Program for visually challanged students
This scholarship is normally awarded to three students, with each of them taking home $3,000 on an annual basis. It is normally awarded to students who show some promise with their education though they are visually challenged. Students with low vision are normally encouraged to apply for this scholarship, and the award is given based on academic guidelines and the visual acuity credentials set by the board.
Though the application process for this scholarship program is mandatorily done online, all the other application and supporting documents have to be submitted through electronic means. Upon selection among the short listed candidates, the candidates are normally subjected to a telephone interview before the winners are announced later on during the spring.
Dr. Sam Genensky Video Magnification Award
Besides the fact that the award is presented to students that have visual impairment concerns, it is also awarded in honor of the guy who invented CCTV. The main aim of the award is to make available different video magnifiers of varied styles and brands not only to students but also to adults who have shown that they really need this.
In as much as the awardees are normally asked for their preferences when it comes to the video magnifiers that they need, there usually is no guarantee that you will get your first or your preferred choice. If for some reason awardees are not able to use the magnifier that they have been awarded, they are also encouraged to return them back to CCLVI so that someone else can also make use of it.
Carl Foley Graduate Scholarship Program for vision impaired students
This program is open to graduate students who are pursuing their education in any of the accredited colleges and universities in the country that offer courses dealing with low vision. It is not mandatory that the applicant has to be visually impaired, so you can apply for the scholarship directly through your school.
In the event that your institution of learning is not recognized at present though you are undertaking a course in low vision, you can also get in touch with the CCLVI so that preparations can be made to see that your institution can also qualify for the award.
Copeland Scholarship for Vision Impaired disability students
This particular scholarship is normally awarded on an annual basis to one male and one female student under the Arthur E. Copeland Scholarship and the Helen Copeland Scholarship respectively. The award is for a student who is in the United States Association of Blind Athletes (USABA) and is legally blind.
The student has to be enrolled in a 2-4 year course in a university or a technical institution on a full-time basis, apart from which it is expected that the students also participate in the USABA sporting activities that are organized from time to time.
Though a lot of students normally apply for this award, the award criteria is based on academics, sporting credentials, academic goals or objectives and most importantly the student’s involvement in the USABA activities from time to time.
The award is normally given only to students who are legal residents of the US, and they receive $500.
Bressler Vision Science Award for Vision impaired students
The award is given on an annual basis to a vision scientist who has demonstrated through their leadership, research, character and service that they can achieve so much in as far as understanding vision loss, rehabilitation for people with vision loss and the treatment of eye disease are concerned.
The award recipient normally gets $45,000 to boost their efforts in as far as critical research and advancing developments in the field is concerned.
GuldScholar College Scholarships for the blind
This is an award that is given every other year to students who are legally blind but have also been making efforts towards applying to attend college. The students are awarded up to $15,000 in scholarships depending on their academic merit standing so that they are able to make an efficient transition from their high school education and advance to an institution of higher learning that they prefer.
My Mom has been visually impaired since 2005. She has not been able to work since her vision problem. As a result my family struggles to provide financially. I just graduated in June with my high school diploma. I have registered for college and would like to know if I qualify for a scholarship due to my Mom’s disability.
Rafia B – Thank you
Rafia Brewster,
Have you filled out the FAFSA? If not you must to see what you will be getting from the government. Also read more at: SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABLED PARENTS. Also apply to general disability scholarships for disabled students. Also read more at scholarships for moms; which may help. Many regular scholarship programs have a disability scholarship too; if you ask them. Read also more at: which have many programs you can apply to. Unknown scholarships are also worth looking into. Have you approached your church on this too?
Hi, I have a blind student who has a great interest in going to college in the United States. I would like to know if you or any organization that you know of happens to give scholarships to international blind students. Thank you so much for your time, Hanna N. S. David.
we only write about where to go to apply to disability scholarships but we do not offer any direct. I’m sure there are some that do though. You can try her to start: blind scholarships. Before applying send off a email to them via their contact page of their website to ask that question.