VSA Arts Creative Writing Scholarships about Disabilities
The VSA offers unusual creative writing scholarships about disabilities called the VSA arts Playwright Discovery Call for Scripts. It’s truely a unique creative writing scholarship reserved for only middle and high school students. The focus is to have applicants write a script of one act plays; (40) pages total in length, on what it’s like living in this world with a disability. One of the nice features of this writing scholarship is you don’t have to be disabled to participate. It may help if you’re disabled because this may aid you in writing the script, but it’s not required.
To enter, you must write a script about the experience of being disabled, through your eyes, or someone else’s. You can also write the script yourself only, or along with others too, even if it’s a classroom of people working together on it. John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts will then professionaly produce the winner of the Playwright Discovery script; which is by the way selected by a distinguished jury of award-winning theater professionals. Also included in this creative writing scholarship award is a $2,000 check, and free tickets to see the play to Washington, D.C. The trip is also included free of charge.
More than one script can be selected at the discretion of the theater professionals which means there can be one or many winners if the panel decides it’s warranted.
The scripts must also be original material written by you and not previously copywrited. April 15th, is the cutoff date for turning in applications for this creative writing scholarship about disabilities.
VSA’s Second Scholarship
VSA also has a second disability scholarship called the VSA ARTS INTERNATIONAL YOUNG SOLOISTS DISABILITY SCHOLARSHIP. You must be disabled to participate for this disabilities scholarship. Any individual, musicians or singers, who play musical instruments, compose or arrange music, do vocal performance, with a disability, can be nominated (self nomination as well) for this disability scholarship award.
About VSA Arts
VSA arts was founded in 1974 by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith as a nonprofit entity. Ambassador Smith’s vision was to create an international institution for people who were disabled so that they can enhance their learning abilities by participating and take pleasure in the Arts. VSA arts believes the character of a person is shaped much better by exposing someone (especially someone who is disabled) to the arts. VSA continually strives to provide access of the arts to people with disabilities and to promote including the disabled in the classroom the same as other students so they can develop the skills needed to work in a career of the arts. VSA aspires to the belief that people with disabilities should have easy approach to all educational learning buildings and activities that may take place there.
VSA arts Playwright Discovery Call for Scripts Submission Rules & Qualification guidelines for their Creative Writing Scholarships.
2009 Application for VSA arts Playwright Discovery Call for Scripts.
VSA arts Playwright Discovery
818 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20006
202-628-2800 (voice)
202-429-0868 (fax)
eamccloskey@vsarts.org (e-mail)
http://www.vsarts.org (web site)
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