Gallaudet Hard of Hearing Scholarships
Gallaudet University is the only university in the world where all of the services and programs are specifically designed to accommodate students who are deaf or hard of hearing. The university was founded by an Act of Congress in 1864 and the school’s charter was signed by President Abraham Lincoln.
Students attending the university are able to choose from among 39 different majors, all of which lead to a bachelor of science or bachelor of arts degree. A small number of hearing students are also admitted to the university each year. In addition, students may choose to design their own majors, which are known as self-directed majors, allowing them to choose classes from an array of departments or to take classes offered by thirteen other schools that are all members of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area.
The university also offers graduate programs that are open to hearing, hard of hearing and deaf students, including master of science, master of arts and specialist degrees as well as doctoral degrees and certificates.
Gallaudet hard of hearing scholarships for disabled students are funded by gifts made to the university from a host of organizations and individuals. Applicants for the disability scholarships must be regular, full-time, degree-seeking students. The amount of hearing scholarships is limited based on donor requirements. Most hearing impaired scholarships offered by the university are based on academic performance.
The school’s merit-based scholarships are open to all deaf or hard of hearing undergraduate students who demonstrate an exemplary personal and scholastic history of achievement. Hard of hearing scholarships may range from full tuition and room and board to half-tuition for up to as many as four years. All students who are newly admitted to the school will be automatically considered for merit-based scholarships for disability students.
A variety of factors will be considered when awarding the Gallaudet scholarships, including letters of recommendation, GPA, SAT or ACT test scores, leadership qualities, special talents and extra-curricular involvement. Special talents might include leaderships, creative writing, debate team, student body government membership, film, acting, drawing, photography, dance, sculpting and community service.
The President’s Honors Distinction Scholarship offers an award of full tuition, room and board. This hard of hearing scholarship is made annually. Students must achieve a minimum level on the ACT and/or SAT to qualify for this scholarship.
The Provost’s Honors Distinction Scholarship offers $12,000 and is an annual disability scholarship. The Provost’s Excellence scholarship offers a scholarship award of $8,000 and is an annual scholarship. The Dean’s Prestige scholarship is a $6,000 annual award. The Leadership scholarship provides for a $4,000 annual award. The Achievement scholarship is a $3,000 award.
Since its inception, Gallaudet University’s mission has been to provide the highest quality professional and liberal education through both undergraduate and graduate programs for both hearing students as well as those that are hard of hearing and deaf. This is accomplished by offering an educational environment that is both supportive and welcoming and accessible through a bilingual approach.
The University seeks to embrace diversity within the community by appreciating and respecting various choices of communication, while at the same time guiding students through a process of cultural self-actualization.
The University also seeks to pursue excellence in the fields of scholarship, pedagogy, research and creative activity by leading the advancement of linguistic, economic, social, intellectual vitality in individuals with hearing loss through outreach, educational, regional, leadership and international development programs.
The school is also dedicated to preserving death history and the use of visual media for the purpose of promoting the recognition of people with hearing loss. Offering Gallaudet hard of hearing scholarships for disabled students is just one of the many ways the school hopes to position the community to reach its optimal potential and achieving social justice and civic responsibility.
Good Day Sir/Madam. I’m trying to find out some information on the disabilities scholarship because I’m interested in receiving my Masters degree, but I have sensorinueral hearing loss in both ears and as a result I MUST WEAR HEARING AIDS. Sitting in the classroom isn’t really help me so if I get through, it’s going to have to be through an online university.
read more at Deaf scholarships for disabled students. Also read about unknown master scholarships.
I am looking for any scholarships for my daugther who will be a freshman in the fall. She has a “moderate” hearing loss. Her hearing loss is something she was born with. She doesn’t have hearing aids yet, but will need them in the future.
She is wanting to pursue an agriculture career and is planning on attending Morehead State University in KY.
read more at Deaf scholarships for disabled students and scholarships for hearing impaired students. You must apply to all the hard of hearing scholarships you feel your son is a good candidate for. Read more too on agricultural scholarships. Also go to college scholarships for high school seniors.
You son will be eligible for all the general type disability scholarships – meaning you can only apply to them if you have ANY disability.
You must also visit the FinAids office to discuss disability scholarships at Morehead State University. You can call them and ask to speak with the FA manager there about your sons student aid needs.
My son (18) has an 80% hearing loss in his left ear from a cholesteatoma tumor since he was 2 years of age. Can he qualify for any scholarships for his hearing loss? He is interested in a business career looking at UofL or WKU in KY. He has an act score of 26 and a gpa of 3.5 and will graduate from HS this spring 2015. Any help would be appreciated, thanks Sally
You must apply to scholarships to see if your son will qualify. Apply to as many as you feel he has a chance to win. It seems that he will qualify for disability scholarships.
please assist out to apply hard of learning scholarship for my deaf son aged 34 into hair and beauty for gallaudent
look into student bursaries which may help.
I was seeing how I can print out scholarship forms for my daughter who was born without a left ear and she doesn’t have a ear drum or ear canal. and has 65% hearing in the right ear.
you must go directly to the scholarship sponsors website to apply to their scholarships. We try to provide links in our articles, but if sponsors change URL’s too much, we do not.
Am looking Scholarship ,I am hearing impaired or deaf who can sponosor me to go English Language Institute for Gallaudet University .
Please assist to be me.